Effective Date: January 3, 2021

Terms of Service

It is by accepting the present terms of service that you can become a member of Friending. If you wish to join Friending please read this agreement carefully. If you do not accept the terms and conditions of the agreement or you do not respect its provisions you are not allowed to use the application.

I. Legally binding agreement

This agreement is a contract which determines the legally binding and valid terms and conditions. In order for you to become a member of Friending you have to accept them. Member or User applies to any person who registers in the application to be able to use the services, regardless of whether it is a free user or a subscriber. Friending has the right to modify this agreement at it’s discretion, but it is obliged to inform users about the modifications. It is obliged to make the changes public. Registration is a voluntary act performed by users of their own free will.

II. Users of the Service

The prerequisite to be a user is to accept the present terms of service and to register in the application either by providing registration data or by using Facebook registration. Users can use the Service only with their own names and their own photos.

III. Eligibility

Registration is only authorized for natural persons over the age of 18. Under 18 it is forbidden to use the application and to register. By using the application users declare and warrant to be eligible to conclude and accept the present agreement and promise to respect all its terms and conditions. Users warrant that they do not figure in the records of any institutions or authorities as sexual offenders, and that they have never been tried for such crimes. The Members must guarantee that all information that he or she provides when registering is true and up-to-date. Upon registration, the Member accepts these TCOU and the Privacy Policy and agrees to fulfill his or her obligations, and particularly those set out in the Member Code of Conduct under Article 9 of these TCOU.

IV. The validity of membership

The present agreement will remain in vigor and be binding for the users as long as they are members of the application. The membership can be terminated or suspended at any moment. The unused subscription is not refundable in case of suspension. Friending has the right to terminate the membership of users about whom it believes that they have committed a breach of the agreement. Unused subscription fees or credits are not refundable in such cases either.

V. Conditions of use, non-commercial use

The application or the Service is destined exclusively for personal use, hence only natural persons can use it. The members are not allowed to use it for commercial purposes. No organization, company, agency or business can become a member and use the application. Should any doubt about unauthorized use arise Friending has the right to take the corresponding legal actions, which may lead to civil or criminal proceedings.

VI. Personal data, security of user name and password

The User is responsible to a reasonable extent for the secrecy of the user name and password provided during registration. Friending is strongly committed to the protection of personal data and uses all possible techniques of encryption to this end. However, members also have to protect their own data. Therefore, they are kindly requested, for their own safety, to exercise the greatest discretion with regard to the user name and password provided upon registration and required for the use of the Service and for log-in. Inasmuch as users disclose their user names, passwords or any other personal data to third parties, or handle their data in such a perfunctory manner that they come to the knowledge of third parties, Friending will not be held responsible for it.

VII. Ownership rights

Friending exercises its ownership rights together with  It reserves all rights regarding materials, trade marks and intellectual property rights protected by copy right with respect to the web page and the application. It is forbidden to copy, modify and disseminate any materials included therein.

VIII. Guidelines for web page use

In the application it is possible to send text, voice and video messages and upload, visualize and forward images. It is forbidden for members to send materials, videos, images, text messages or any other documents within or outside of the application which violate the legal regulations in vigor, the copy rights, trade marks, business secrets and intellectual property rights of other people, or the privacy and personal data of other people. Furthermore, none of the above materials can be offensive, inaccurate, dishonorable, intimidating, defamatory, obscene, threatening, abusive or spiteful. Users declare and warrant that the data and information provided upon registration comply with reality and undertake to update them as soon as they become outdated or inaccurate. Friending reserves the right not to be obliged to verify each and every content that appears in the application. However, it is authorized to remove any content that, at its discretion, violates the laws in vigor, the present terms of service or the principles and values represented by Friending. It is authorized to remove such contents even upon request by third parties. It is forbidden to commit a security breach of the application, or endeavor to do so, or to log into other people’s accounts with no access or authorization, or endeavor to do so, or commit any act without the necessary authorizations that violates other people’s personality rights or the security regulations. It is forbidden to disturb the functioning of the application with unrestricted activities that include, but are not limited to viruses, overloading, sending spams, attacking the application or the web page with e-mails or spams, or any activity that may lead to the collapse of the application, the server or the web page. It is forbidden to send unsolicited e-mails including promotions or advertising materials of products or services. It is forbidden to manipulate information, access identification codes, personal data or passwords (conjointly referred to as “contents”) and to use directly or indirectly any software, robots, search engines or any other manual or automatic tools or programs that violate the rights, the activities or the undisturbed functioning of Friending.

The application can only be used for lawful purposes in the name of friendship and love. The prerequisite for the use of the application is that by accepting the agreement users must assume and warrant to use the application exclusively for the purpose of constructive friend-making or friendship-building and in conformity with the prescriptions and the system of values of Friending. Friending bans all those members that post any kind of incomplete, false, misleading, inaccurate, offensive, threatening, obscene, calumnious or manipulative contents either about themselves or about other users from using the Service. It is forbidden to post contents for which they don’t have full authorizations and which violate other people’s copy rights.

It is forbidden for users to divulge or let third parties know their own passwords or any other password that has come to their notice. Users agree to do their utmost to protect their personal data, with special respect to passwords.

It is forbidden to post Friending-related trade marks, commercial names, logos or slogans, or any links, tags, codes or tools that direct users to other pages or advertise services in an unauthorized manner. It is forbidden to use, post and forward materials that show under-18-year-olds amidst violent or sexual circumstances or abuse under-18-year-olds, or any other images or behaviors of violent, offensive and sexual nature regardless of age and gender. By accepting the present terms of service users agree to report to Friending if they or anybody else gets in contact with a young individual under 18 years of age.

It is forbidden for members to advertise to other members, to sell products or services, to send or post spams or the aforementioned negative contents or messages. Users agree that if they violate the values, rules, regulations and guidelines of Friending, and by doing so they do harm to other users and to Friending, Friending is entitled to indemnification.

It is forbidden to gamble or do any related activities, to circulate advertisements and pyramid schemes, to promote, solicit or spread prostitution through the use of the application or the Service, or to come up with any activity, act or behavior that infringes the laws and violates the rules and regulations.

It is forbidden to pursue illegal activities and to harass other users or Friending employees in any ways and by any means. By accepting the agreement users declare that under no circumstances will they harass, anger, threaten, intimidate the users of the application or Friending employees and moderators, those who perform a great job to make the Service  function smoothly and to ensure and maintain enhanced user experiences. Should the doubt about users or Friending employees being threatened, offended or maltreated in any of the aforementioned manners arise, Friending reserves the right to terminate the perpetrator’s membership with immediate effect, and his unused subscription fees and credits will not be refunded.

If users set up meetings with their co-users within the Service they do it at their own risk and on their own responsibility. We recommend that every user took the necessary precautions they judge to be necessary for their personal safety and protection. It may occur that ensuing from the use of the Service other users and/or unauthorized individuals (hackers) accede to user-specific information and abuse it. Friending shall not take any responsibility for abuses committed by other members or unauthorized users with respect to user-specific information or other material that users posted and sent to other co-users within the Service. In case the damage is imputed to Friending on the grounds of the present agreement, the extent of the indemnification to be paid by Friending cannot exceed five times the amount the user pays for the Service under the present agreement.

IX. Protection of copyrights

It is forbidden to post, disseminate or reproduce materials, trade marks or other ownership data protected by copyright in any possible way without the former consent of the owners of the property rights. If you believe that your item has been copied or disseminated due to copyright infringement, please write to support@friendingapp.com in which remember to indicate the following pieces of information: the electronic or physical signature of the owner of the copyright or the person authorized to act on his behalf, the identification of the item protected by copyright which was violated, and any other material, description or contact details needed for Friending or its representative to get in contact with the aggrieved party, such as phone numbers or e-mail addresses. It is necessary to have the aggrieved party’s statement claiming he never authorized the posting or use of the item objected to. It is forbidden to use trade marks, logos, graphics, photographs, animations, videos and texts belonging to the intellectual property of Friending. They cannot be multiplied, used, posted, disseminated, sold or bought or visualized without the explicit former written consent of Friending.

X. Subscriptions, transactions

The application can be downloaded and the Service subscribed to in Apple Sore and Google Play. Your subscription will automatically renew after the current subscribed period expires. If you no longer wish to use our service, you will need to cancel your subscription. The subscription fee can not be refunded. Please also read the terms of the application platform that apply to the purchase of apps.

Friending has strict rules concerning reimbursement. All subscription purchases are considered irreversible. When users decide to purchase subscription they understand that there is no full or partial reimbursement (redemption), and agree that unused subscription cannot be credited either. It is possible to suspend membership, but the remaining unused subscription is not redeemable either. Purchased subscriptions are not transferable. Users accept that upon termination or suspension of the account the remaining subscription or credit cannot be transferred to other users. Friending reserves the right to grant free membership to any of the users any time and for any period of time, but reserves the right to revoke it any time too. No reimbursement is granted to users when failures or accessibility problems of the Service are caused by technical problems which are not imputable to Friending.

XI. Service

Friending does not guarantee that the application will be fully operational 24/7, but it will take all possible measures to eliminate the emerging problems within the briefest time possible. In case the Service is not operational for more than 72 hours subscriptions and credits will be credited on a proportionate basis, they will in no way be lost.

XII. User information

When users register in the Friending application they will be requested to provide certain data and information, such as e-mail addresses, phone numbers, as well as other data we listed in the Privacy Policy. For further details read our privacy guidelines.

Users understand that Friending has the right to disclose fully or partially the data provided by the users if the laws require them, or Friending judges them to be necessary in order to protect other people’s rightful interests, or their personal security or legal possessions, or if it believes someone (including users or Friending employees) is being threatened by an act of violence or any form of willful damage.

Friending reserves the right to disclose any information provided by users while using the Service should a doubt of crime arise, which includes without limitation elderly abuse, child abuse, domestic violence on children, pornography, marital abuse, use of threat, or violence in the family. Friending condemns all forms of violence or violent acts. Therefore, when it faces such an act, or just a doubt of such an act arises, it is entitled without limitation to involve the enforcement bodies, the authorities, the child protection service, or any other institution that has competence in said matters.

XIII. Warranty

We cannot guarantee that the Service we are offering will comply with the users’ requirements, aims and expectations. We only provide the Service, and not its success, hence we cannot be held responsible if users during their subscription period cannot find a match.

We do not guarantee the correctness of the information in the Service in any form whatsoever. We cannot be held responsible for faults that may come up in the results, accessibility or the undisturbed use of the Service due to the congestion or malfunction of telephone networks or telephone lines, the computer-based on-line systems, servers or service providers, computer equipment, software, e-mail or the internet. We do not check data sheets to see if they are correct and not misleading. We do not claim and warrant that the information provided in the data sheets are correct and do not assume any responsibility to check any information in any of the data sheets. Friending.MW is not obliged to check the correctness of information posted in the application. We do not take part in the real communication between the users, hence we don’t verify correctness, authenticity and accuracy. Users themselves agree to bear responsibility for the interactions with other users. Friending is not obliged to check disputes between users. The application is only a tool that enables the initial  communication between the users, anything that goes beyond this is the users’ own responsibility and not that of Friending.

We do not assume any responsibility for delays in fulfillment or other related problems which we are not in a position to reasonably influence, including – but not limited to – vis major, wars, floods, fires, labor disputes, strikes, walkouts, riots, civil unrest, willful damages, explosions, government provisions and other similar events.

XIV. Links

Our Service may contain a number of links which direct users to other providers’ sites. Friending does not assume any responsibility for the data and information protection practices of these providers. The presence of links on our web page does not mean we have authorized them. If users decide to use a web page of a third party they should do it on their own responsibility. Users understand that Friending will not be held responsible, directly or indirectly, for damages or losses caused, or presumably caused by the use of such contents or information.

XV. Complaint handling

SMS verification service

Our SMS verification service designed to enhance the security of your sign-ins and sign-ups. By opting in, you can expect to receive a single SMS message containing a verification code to confirm your phone number during the sign-in or sign-up process.

You can cancel the SMS service at any time. Simply text "STOP" to the shortcode. Upon sending "STOP," we will confirm your unsubscribe status via SMS. Following this confirmation, you will no longer receive SMS messages from us. To rejoin, sign up as you did initially, and we will resume sending SMS messages to you.

If you experience issues with the messaging program, reply with the keyword HELP for more assistance, or reach out directly to support@friending.com.

Carriers are not liable for delayed or undelivered messages.

As always, message and data rates may apply for messages sent to you from us and to us from you. For questions about your text plan or data plan, contact your wireless provider.

For privacy-related inquiries, please refer to our privacy policy: Privacy Policy.

Users can make complaints arising from the purchase, if necessary, using one of the contact details outlined in the present agreement. Friending handles complaints free of charge. We study the complaint and send a written answer about the results within 30 days of the receipt of the analysis. Complaints are examined, rejected or remedied on the basis of the legal regulations in vigor. In our response letter we give the complainants a full overview of the analysis, then instructions as to how the complaint can be remedied, or, in case of a rejection, the reasons for the rejection. The statement will be clear-cut with straight-forward reasoning and simple language without undue legal terms and expressions. We are doing our best to provide you with substantive responses to all your complaints or objections.

With respect to complaints, we handle the following data: name, address, e-mail address, phone number, the reason for the complaint, the description of the complaint, the demand for the complaint, documents substantiating the complaint, screenshots, voice messages or images, or any other data or information needed for the examination of the complaint and for the response.

Got something you want to talk about? Contact us or email us and we promise to get back to you as soon as we can.

Friending, LLC

2028 East Ben White Boulevard, Suite 240

Austin, Texas 78741
